Through Girls Inc. of New York City, students in Harlem are learning skills that will help them excel in business and beyond

Dora Tchiasso was filled with pride and self-doubt. Graduating with a Master of Public Health from the Catholic University of Central Africa in Cameroon felt like a special achievement. Her research was original and independent, and Tchiasso’s supervisor suggested she […]

New portfolio supports inclusive research partnerships for women scientists and researchers from underrepresented minority groups.

Elsevier’s Inclusion & Diversity Advisory Board report focuses on four areas for progress.

Raharman Tamang, 20, was using a circular saw to cut a steel rod at a metal shop in Bhaktapur, Nepal, when the rod snapped and impaled his brain partially paralyzing him. Frantic relatives rushed him to a nearby hospital where they were […]

At 20, Research4Life continues to evolve amid the rise in research from the Global South and the growth of open access. Stories of lifesaving medical interventions are not uncommon among this community of users. More than 10,000 institutions in 125 […]

New Elsevier Foundation partnerships to focus on gender equality and climate change 2020 marked five years since the launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the start of the “Decade of Action” we have left to achieve them. For the Elsevier […]

How can open access #OA be more inclusive for low- and middle-income countries? Experts weigh in at the Academic Publishing in Europe conference.

For its 15th anniversary, the Elsevier Foundation has added Race & Ethnicity partnerships to support STEM diversity and combat health disparities Supporting Black girls in technology. Awarding Green & Sustainable Chemistry prizes Helping develop nursing apps in East Africa. Hosting […]

Tags: SDG5, SDG13, SDG17, SDG4, SDG3, SDG10
15 years of Inclusive Health & Research View the story The EF history Menu Timeline Innovative Libraries New Scholars Partnerships Embedding technology Our Awards Inclusion & Diversity Twitter 15 years of Inclusive Health & Research In many ways, 2020 has […]

Inequities in academic research are manifested in many different ways: from the low proportion of women who are tenured professors, to the extremely low rates of grants awarded to researchers who are members of underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in […]

In October we held our annual interim Board Meeting. Two of our Inclusive Health partners, the National League for Nursing and the Sansum Diabetes Research Institute, provided an update on their projects that support innovations in the health sector. Sansum Diabetes Research Institute: […]