Responsibility landed early on the shoulders of Dr Imalka Munaweera. As the eldest of four children, she would care for her three younger brothers and encourage them with their schoolwork.

When Dr Ghada Dushaq was a child, nothing was safe from her prying mind and fingers. If there was a remote control on the coffee table, she would take it apart to figure out how it worked.

They come from developing countries around the world, and their research is transforming the world we live in. This year’s researchers are in the physical, chemical and mathematical sciences.
OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Awards for Early-Career Women Scientists in the Developing World View the story Twitter Celebrating women in science OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Awards for Early-Career Women Scientists in the Developing World The winners and organizing team of the 2020 OWSD-Elsevier Foundation […]

For its 15th anniversary, the Elsevier Foundation has added Race & Ethnicity partnerships to support STEM diversity and combat health disparities Supporting Black girls in technology. Awarding Green & Sustainable Chemistry prizes Helping develop nursing apps in East Africa. Hosting […]

Tags: SDG17, SDG4, SDG3, SDG10, SDG5, SDG13
15 years of Inclusive Health & Research View the story The EF history Menu Timeline Innovative Libraries New Scholars Partnerships Embedding technology Our Awards Inclusion & Diversity Twitter 15 years of Inclusive Health & Research In many ways, 2020 has […]

Inequities in academic research are manifested in many different ways: from the low proportion of women who are tenured professors, to the extremely low rates of grants awarded to researchers who are members of underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in […]

The Elsevier Foundation operates within a dynamic system of partnerships in continuous interaction with each other. The Foundation is uniquely positioned to play a convening role, linking partners who work in similar areas with the aim of maximizing impact and […]

The Elsevier Foundation is celebrating 15 years of inclusive health and research to advance diversity in science, research in developing countries and global health.

2020 has witnessed significant challenges for the non-profit sector, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic that has stroke at the beginning of the year, continuing to pose significant threats for people worldwide. We have conducted a survey to gain a better understanding […]

Winning researchers behind green technologies awarded in the Elsevier Foundation-ISC3 Green & Sustainable Chemistry Challenge The fifth edition of the Elsevier Foundation-ISC3 Green & Sustainable Chemistry Challenge received 318 proposals from 69 countries. This week, the top awards were presented to researchers […]

We believe that chemistry plays a critical role in developing a sustainable future. Chemists have a special responsibility to develop those new products, resources and processes to make that happen. The Elsevier Foundation-ISC3 Green & Sustainable Chemistry Challenge seeks to […]