Winners of the Elsevier Foundation Awards for Women Scientists in the Developing World overcome major challenges in their pursuit of math and physics. Growing up in a tribal village in Vietnam, Dang Thi Oanh lived in a house with a […]
Four hours. That’s how much time physicist Rabia Salihu Sa’id has each day to get her research done at Bayero University in Kano, Nigeria. “Each day, my university is giving me only four hours of electricity. I can’t do research […]

San Jose, California, February 10, 2015 Four physicists and a mathematician have been named winners of the 2015 Elsevier Foundation Awards for Early Career Women Scientists in the Developing World, in recognition of research that has strong potential social and economic […]

Every February, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual meeting, the Elsevier Foundation and its key partners,the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) and TWAS, the World Academy of Sciences, recognize the accomplishments of five early-career scientists with the Elsevier […]

In June, Ylann Schemm, head of Elsevier’s Corporate Responsibility program, attended the Gender Summit 4 – Europe 2014, From Ideas to Markets: Excellence in mainstreaming gender into research, innovation, and policy. Ylann’s interview can be seen here: Gender Summit Speaker Interview – Ylann Schemm. […]
To the Editor of the New York Times, Re: “Women Quit Jobs in Peak Years, Setback for Them and Economy” (front page, June 23): The work-life balance challenge faced by working women is particularly difficult for those in STEM professions […]

The number of women in science, technology and innovation in the world’s leading economies is alarmingly low and actually on the decline in several, including the U.S. Women remain severely under-represented in degree programs for these fields. Even in countries […]
“Janet Koster, executive director and CEO of the Association for Women in Science, said of the uproar over the conference, “As we say at AWIS, you are probably part of the problem if you don’t think there really is one!” […]
During the last 10 years, the number of female PhD graduates in Europe has been growing at twice the rate of that of men, with 49% of PhD degrees being now awarded to women. In the US it is 50%. […]
In a recent study, researchers at Yale University demonstrated that both male and female faculty staff valued men more than women. When asked to judge applicants for a job as lab manager, female and male professors rated male applicants more […]
A new report features examples of novel approaches to supporting women’s career progression, especially in the early stages. Titled From Ideas to Markets: the Gender Factor, it shows how gender can make research more meaningful and open up new markets for scientific […]
In recognition of Women’s History Month, Elsevier Connect is honoring women in science by presenting a variety of stories and resources. You can find them on this page, which we will continue to update. Please feel free to share your […]