SDG 13

Researchers win Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge for creating innovative solutions for waste management in India and crop resilience in South Africa

Building climate resilience among frontline healthcare workers Climate change is the greatest challenge of the 21st century. With India ranked sixth among the countries most affected by climate change in 2025 (Climate Risk Index2025), the health impacts on its population […]

We are thrilled to announce the top 5 contestants who have been selected for their groundbreaking proposals.

Thank you for participating in the Elsevier Foundation Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge! The first stage of the submission process closed on September 30. During the past weeks, our pool of experts worked to review the proposals. We’re proud to announce […]

These early-career researchers are creating innovative solutions for water and waste management challenges in Mongolia, Colombia and beyond

Elsevier Foundation Chemistry for Climate Action winners double down on water pollution, waste management and gender equity.

It is by working in — and crucially with — communities most affected by complex global issues, that the Elsevier Foundation can have the most impact and bring much needed diverse perspectives into the research and health communities.

Thank you for participating in the Elsevier Foundation Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge! The first stage of the submission process closed on December 10. During the past weeks, our pool of experts worked to review the proposals. We’re proud to announce […]

Elsevier Foundation and TWAS award seven teams grants for gender equity and climate action projects in the global South

These young scientists are creating innovative solutions for problems in the Philippines, Somalia — and beyond Of all scientific research conducted between 2017 and 2021, 30% is directly related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with climate change the most […]

Elsevier Foundation Chemistry for Climate Action supports solutions-focused research; winners focus on plastic pollution, renewable energy and gender equity

Climate change is not just an environmental issue, it is very much a social and gendered one too. Women and girls are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change than men, and yet they are often left out of decision-making processes on climate policies.