Portia: Gender Summits

This proposal builds on the last 12 years of the collaboration between Portia and Elsevier Foundation, which started in 2011 with the very first Gender Summit, and continued with each Gender Summit event — and additional project-related actions on shared concerns.
The mission of Portia and of the Gender Summit is to improve quality of science knowledge-making and promote equal impact of science endeavours for women and men. Essential to this mission is involvement of influential science and policy organisations, and stakeholders around the world, as partners.
What we do
Each Gender Summit is led by a partnership of key science organisations and delivers evidence-based consensus on where improvements in science knowledge and practice are needed. Portia’s extensive collaborative network of science and policy organisations that share the same goals stretches across Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America and North America. The aim of this new partnership with the Foundation is to join forces to enhance the potential for change and global impact.
How we deliver
- By creating a hybrid format for hosting Gender Summit events in a sustainable way, reinforced by local hubs and hold locally-focused activities;
- By developing and implementing a three-year schedule of Gender Summit events that incorporate a global element combined with a North America focus, an African focus, and an India focus;
- By consolidating knowledge from the past 23 Gender Summit events for the benefit of research and policy stakeholders.