Research4Life’s HINARI program awarded Medical Library Association medal It’s 2003, and a 7-month pregnant woman is living in the bus terminal in Lusaka, Zambia. She cannot afford medical care, but she needs it: she’s HIV positive. When the Sisters of […]

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (March 24, 2015) In March, a one day HINARI workshop was conducted at Johns Hopkins University, a U.S. based University, that like Tulane University has significant history as public health institutions with numerous global health […]

Volunteers travel to Tanzania to give workshops for our Publishers Without Boarders project An old Ethiopian proverb is inscribed on the wall outside the Addis restaurant in Dar es Salaam: “When spider webs unite, they can tie up a […]

Tulane University, New Orleans, LA (February 6, 2015) In February a one day HINARI workshops was conducted at Tulane University, a U.S. based University that has significant history as public health institution with numerous global health projects. This institutions is […]

When I volunteered to spend November in Tanzania working with the Elsevier Foundation’s Publishers Without Borders program, it felt like a big deal to me. It wasn’t just that I had to make sacrifices of my own, but I had to […]

“As I type this, I am listening to Christmas music with my feet up, the air conditioning cranked, looking out at construction workers carrying buckets of cement on their heads with the sun-drenched Indian Ocean in the distance. It all […]

A new World Bank Report, compiled by the World Bank and Elsevier and released last month, shows how regions such as West and Central Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa have increased their progress in research quality and output. However, even though the […]

Many Tanzanian academics are heavily involved in teaching and do consultancy activities on the side. This leaves them little time to conduct research, let alone publish. If they do conduct research and wish to publish, often they lack the knowledge […]

African research is increasing in numbers and quality – but suffers from an overall lack of discoverability within the global health community. Founded a decade ago, the African Journal Partnership Project(AJPP) works on boosting the impact of African research through pairing African health […]