We are thrilled to announce the top 5 contestants who have been selected for their groundbreaking proposals.
Thank you for participating in the Elsevier Foundation Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge! The first stage of the submission process closed on September 30. During the past weeks, our pool of experts worked to review the proposals. We’re proud to announce […]
Tags: SDG 5
Despite the narrowing gender gap in the promotion of Chinese researchers, many women still encounter a “Glass Ceiling” in their career progression, facing significant barriers to senior positions (Gender in the China Research Area, Elsevier and the National Science Library […]
Tanzania’s Rufiji River Basin is a crucial water resource. Water Engineer Dr Augustina Alexander shares lessons learned from a research consortium that involved many community stakeholders. The people you look up to as a child can have a profound impact […]
The beauty of the coral reef led Antonella Rivera to study the ugly sewage that blights it. But she had to overcome gender and nationality barriers to forge her unique path in science.
Gaining funding (and trust) for a freshwater algal bloom alert system in Sri Lanka
This special report outlines the current landscape of women’s leadership in academia and offers strategic recommendations to guide the next generation of women in science across Europe and beyond.
A desire to impact people and planet has led Dr Tasrina Rabia Chodhury to focus on environmental contaminants. Here, she highlights potential solutions — and how open access publishing can help democratize knowledge.
These early-career researchers are creating innovative solutions for water and waste management challenges in Mongolia, Colombia and beyond
Elsevier Foundation Chemistry for Climate Action winners double down on water pollution, waste management and gender equity.
It is by working in — and crucially with — communities most affected by complex global issues, that the Elsevier Foundation can have the most impact and bring much needed diverse perspectives into the research and health communities.
The 2024 OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Award for Women Scientists recognizes researchers from Bangladesh, Honduras, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Uganda.