Bridging the North-South divide in sustainability
Elsevier Foundation launches program with TWAS, the World Academy of Sciences, for North-South collaboration in sustainability science
From the invention of penicillin to the development of the Internet, science plays a major role inadvancingsociety. In September, representatives from 194 countries convenedin New York and signed the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) — a commitment to tackle some of our greatest social and environmental challenges over the next 15 years.
To catalyze an informed dialogue between academics, policymakers and civil society, Elsevier and released their report Sustainability Science in a Global Landscape while hosting an expert panel on that topic. The report maps the global research landscape underpinning the SDGs, analyzing research output, collaboration and interdisciplinary research.
During the panel, Prof. Romain Murenzi, the Executive Director of TWAS, The World Academy of Sciences and a key advocate of building scientific capacity and excellence in the developing world, underscored the need to help countries “break out of science poverty” and the importance of building a “global science culture” with greater North-South collaboration.
[…]Given the Elsevier Foundation’s longstanding collaboration with TWAS and its associated organization, theOrganization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD), the knowledge of the North-South divide presented a call to action on how best to support deeper involvement in sustainability science by developing countries.
Read the full article about Elsevier Foundation’s new program with TWAS here:
- Ylann Schemm, “Bridging the North-South divide in sustainability”, 04 January 2016