African Journal Partnership Project: building research capacity
African research is increasing in numbers and quality – but suffers from an overall lack of discoverability within the global health community.
Founded a decade ago, the African Journal Partnership Project(AJPP) works on boosting the impact of African research through pairing African health and medical journals with leading biomedical journals from the US and UK.
Among the objectives of AJPP there is the improvement of writers, reviewers, and journalists in Africa, encouraging the African editors in planning for succession of editorial leadership and increasing the visibility of indigenous published research.
AJPP also builds editorial skills through journal mentoring and training and is supported by the US National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the Fogarty International Center of the US National Institutes for Health and administered by the Council of Science Editors.
Dan Gerendasy, Chief of International Programs at the National Library of Medicine, said the key achievements of the partnership have been to increase the overall quality of the publishing, submissions, visibility and sustainability of the African journals:
“It’s been really impressive to see them grow a stronger online presence, develop automated peer review submission process and, most importantly, be discoverable through indexing in Medline, Web of Science and Scopus.”
Read more about the AJPP Program